Sunday, September 15, 2013

Monograms, monograms, and more monograms.

I figured that posting about the things I love would be a great way to dive back into the blogging world- and I sure love monograms! As of lately, I've been buying more than my fair share of monogrammed items, and have found some stand out favorites for sure!

Busy Bees Gifts Etsy // Facebook
Excuse the iffy quality of the photo, but these koozies are GREAT. I ordered a few for myself, as well as for some friends that I knew would appreciate their monograms on a koozie. I loved ordering from Busy Bees because the owner communicated with me throughout the process and my items came in the blink of an eye! She is always posting new items and photos on her Facebook page, which is way too tempting!

Cuttin' Crazy Etsy // Facebook
My polka dot cell phone cover looked way too lonely without a monogram on the back... Cuttin' Crazy had an Etsy deal on 2" monograms and I really couldn't say no. Once again, I was thrilled with how quickly the decal got to me, and I've recommended these to friends multiple times already. Each decal comes with really great step-by-step directions, great for the decal amateur!

For Pete's Sake Pottery Facebook // Etsy
I'd been searching all over the internet for a wooden monogram that I could paint, and was so thrilled when I fell across For Pete's Sake Pottery on Twitter, and then again on Etsy. This 10" monogram was gorgeous before I even painted it- really great quality! As the name suggests, this is mostly a pottery business, and the owner does a beautiful job painting custom ceramic items. 

What are some of your favorite places to get a monogrammed item? I have been dying for a monogrammed baseball hat, but right before I order one, I remember how goofy I look in hats (I've had this realization 5+ times). 


  1. Marley Lilly has a promotion right now for monogrammed outerwear. I am trying to stop myself from buying everything.

    1. I try SOOO hard to pretend that Marley Lilly doesn't even exist... waaaaaaayyy too many cute things for this girl's budget! ;)

  2. You did a BEAUTIFUL job painting your monogram. Thank you so much for using me. =)
